Pioneer Memorial Presbyterian Church
Solon, Ohio
Position: Director of Music
Job Description:
In consultation with the Pastor, Worship Music and Arts Team:
- Coordinate, oversee, and facilitate the music program of Pioneer Church
- Plan and conduct the adult choir program
- Participate in planning, coordinating, and performing the musical portion of worship services in conjunction with the Pastor.
- Select appropriate organ and/or piano music for the prelude, postlude, and other musical pieces required for Sunday worship services and inform the church secretary of the titles chosen. Select music and anthems appropriate to liturgical seasons and worship themes.
- Coordinate music for worship services 52 weeks per year. During any period of absence, the Director of Music will arrange for a substitute (if required) in consultation with the Pastor.
- Request and supervise repair and/or maintenance of the organ as needed.
- Provide for the care and maintenance of the choir robes.
- Maintain the music library of the church. Copyrights shall be respected.
- Approve use of the organ by other musicians.
- Propose an annual budget for the music program of the church in consultation with the Worship Music and Arts Team.
- Collaborate with the Web Stream Technician as needed.
Work Schedule:
This is a part-time position but requires the Director of Music to be present on-site for the following:
- Weekly rehearsals of the adult choir, September through May.
- Sunday worship except for time off for vacation and Continuing Education opportunities.
- Special services scheduled – typically two services on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday.
- Other services or events as requested by the Pastor.
- Attend staff and Worship Music and Arts meetings regularly (if available).
Four weeks of time away will be permitted per year, preferably taken in summer months or at other times with advance approval. Additional time away or at unapproved times shall be without pay. Adequate notice must be given for any request to be away.
Accountability: The Pastor is the direct supervisor.
Evaluation: Performance evaluations will be conducted annually by the Pastor as head of staff and in consultation with representatives of other applicable Session teams.
Conditions of Employment:
- The employee must have on file with the church, evidence of a successful background check to be conducted by a vendor of the church’s choice and at the church’s expense.
- The background check will be updated as dictated by the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
- Employment shall be at will. Termination of employment shall become effective upon 15 days written notice by either the employee or Session. In case of termination, the church shall have the option of paying 2 weeks salary in lieu of 15 days’ notice.
- The employee agrees to abide by the personnel policies of Pioneer Memorial Presbyterian Church and the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- Employees should refer to the church personnel policy manual for information regarding benefits, time off, sexual abuse/harassment and other policies approved by the Session of Pioneer Memorial Presbyterian Church.