Living Waters for the World
Pioneer’s Day of Mission
Mission Partners
Pioneer’s mission and outreach seeks to be hands-on. While there are some ministries that most need our monetary contributions to do their work, whenever possible we seek to be engaged in relationships with those we serve. The scope of Pioneer’s mission and outreach might be thought of as concentric circles beginning with our local community, moving to our region and state, then to national projects, and then international mission. In each of these circles, we seek to have hands-on involvement as well as providing needed financial support. Mission partnerships include:
Local Mission Partners
The Presbytery of the Western Reserve
Beachland Presbyterian Church
Bridge of Hope Center
Chagrin Falls Park Community Center & Food Pantry
City Church & Bridge of Hope Center
City Mission
Cleveland Food Bank
The Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter
The Emergency Assistance Center
Frohring Meadows (Environmental Project)
Garden Valley Neighborhood House
The Gathering Place
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries
Maple Heights Presbyterian Senior Adult Ministry
Noble Road Presbyterian Church
North Presbyterian Church Homeless Ministries
Orchard Hills Park Reforestation (Environmental Project)
Recovering Women Half-Way House
St. Martin de Porres High School
Transitional Housing, Inc.
Wickliffe Presbyterian Church
YWCA of Cleveland – NIA Program
Many others
Regional Mission Partners
The Synod of the Covenant
Synod Mobile Health Fair Ministry
Flood Relief in Findlay, Ohio
National Mission Partners
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Ghost Ranch Conference Center
Hurricane Katrina Relief Trips
Montreat Conference Center
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Stoney Point Conference Center
International Mission Partners
Presbyterian Church (USA) World Mission
Living Waters for the World – Honduras
Marian Medical Mission – Water Wells in Malawi, Africa
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance