Living Waters for the World
Pioneer’s Day of Mission
Mission Partners
The first Saturday of October is Pioneer’s Day of Mission. Of course mission happens every day, and not just one day a year. But on this one day Pioneer sends volunteers into the community to work alongside our partners to make a difference in the world. It is a day not only of hard work, but also great friendship and fellowship as we serve those in need. From food pantries to homeless shelters, small neighborhood churches to shelters for victims of domestic violence — we seek to lend a helping hand on our Day of Mission.
Partner Sites Include:
Beachland Presbyterian Church
Bridge of Hope Center
Chagrin Falls Park Community Center Food Pantry
Chagrin Falls Park Home Maintenance & Repair
City Church & Bridge of Hope Center
City Mission
Cleveland Food Bank
The Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter
The Emergency Assistance Center
Frohring Meadows (Environmental Project)
Garden Valley Neighborhood House
The Gathering Place
Maple Heights Presbyterian Senior Adult Ministry
New Life Fellowship
Noble Road Presbyterian Church
North Presbyterian Church Homeless Ministries
Orchard Hills Park Reforestation (Environmental Project)
Recovering Women Half-Way House
St. Martin de Porres High School
Transitional Housing, Inc.
Wickliffe Presbyterian Church
YWCA of Cleveland – NIA Program